Peter Hanley

An experienced Product & Systems Safety Assurance Consultant, with over ten years experience in delivering Product Assurance & Safety in naval projects for the MoD.  Excellent track record of problem solving, drawing on skills in submarine and maritime, electrical/ mechanical/ nuclear & acoustic engineering, control systems & integration, naval sensors, power plant operation, management, business and regulation. A total of 7 years underwater has equipped him the skills to engage the energy of a situation as well as the motion, to build a rich picture of any scenario, and so improve decision making and productivity. Peter runs his own consultancy pioneering an approach to safety which is sustainable because it goes beyond compliance. Peter plays croquet at a competitive level and writes poetry.

Why I work for JAAG?

I believe the planet and all sentient beings that live on it are best served if human beings learn to live within the design parameters of nature. My current project 'Success Studio' explores how we might be able to achieve this in a sustainable way. Our brains are wonderfully adaptive systems that enable us to live in a harmonious and highly productive way, utilising the bare minimum of resources; should we choose to do so. By forcing our brains to conform in the pursuit of targets and narrow outcomes we confine them to act as if an algorithm was operating our minds. We are human beings. We are not algorithmic machines. We do not function well in algorithmic environments. We need to take deliberate action now to secure the future of our children and the very survival of our species. JAAG provides the arena to have the new thoughts we need to expose the toxic nature of many of the algorithms in our societies.